
To our humble abode

We are Gritt & Co. and in a virtual world of digital confusion we are an online marketing business that really values honest collaboration and genuinely useful innovation.

The first is the reason we put a coffee lounge in our office, the second is the reason we hire some of the best cross-functional digital minds around.

Pop in for a coffeeWe’d love to work with you to understand what your digital goals are and then help you strategise, build and monitor to make them a reality.

Find out more

Our Approach

We have a strong belief that without knowing what you’re trying to achieve (and possibly for what purpose you want it), it’s very hard to recognise real success. This can be especially true in the intangible world of digital communication.

Littered as it is with all sorts of buzz words and jargon, the path to digital success means navigating the technology toy shops, planning for a journey spoken with one voice, making use of appropriate social activity, in order to create a meaningful and measurable integrated business proposition.

How do you know what makes a meaningful and measurable strategy for your business?

Find out more
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Gritt & Co

Contact Details

Call 0121 288 5576

Email coffee@gritt.com

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