Content Management

Cracking Christmas Communications Cracking Christmas Communications

on Thursday, 23 May 2013. Posted in Social Media, Content Management

Tis the Season to be Social:

For many businesses, a communication strategy involves some sort of calendar, and whether you begin strategizing based on your communication objectives or based on sending comms at regular intervals, timing is often critical. So its not surprising then, that in the spirit of Christmas, many a mis-guided communication is planned and passes between business and over-solicited consumer like the offering of the last chocolate in the box, with the Turkish Delight centre, that no one wanted.

How to Blog for your Business How to Blog for your Business

on Friday, 23 May 2014. Posted in Content Management

What are the benefits of Blogging?

Blogging can be a fantastic way to engage your customers and prospects and before you know it can become a key part of your marketing strategy.

Blogs can be great for search, writing all this ‘long-form’ content (rather than just 140 characters on Twitter or very sales-focused content for your website) gives you the chance to share your expertise and use lots of keywords as you do so!

Tumblelogging and the Tumblr Phenomenon Tumblelogging and the Tumblr Phenomenon

on Friday, 23 May 2014. Posted in Social Media, Content Management

Blogging, without the… wordiness

Tumblelogging is to blogging what texting is to email.  Short, sharp and developed for rich media, this newest platform for sharing your ideas and inspirations is a perfect fit for creatives or anyone with something a little more visual up their sleeves.

They say a picture paints a thousand words, so a blogged picture has the potential to communicate a thousand times more than a blogged word.  Launched nearly 5 years ago in New York, Tumblr had a slow and steady initial growth and is just reaching the tipping point from the serious early adopters to the keenest edge of the mainstream, which means that brands are starting to sit up and take notice.

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